Farnham as a destination
Along with a smart town square with alfresco dining area and public gardens, 239 new homes will also be created in Brightwells Yard. These are now on the market – click here for more information. The new housing will include 72 affordable homes, which are now on the market through Thames Valley Housing Association.
With a new multi-storey car park and over 400 new car parking spaces, Brightwells Yard will be easily accessible for anyone wanting to visit Farnham. In addition to this, Waverley Borough Council have built Riverside 2 and 3 with a total of 395 new parking spaces for the duration of the scheme. Riverside 2 is a permanent car park, bringing the total of new public car parking spaces to 382. The creation of 800 new jobs, additional shops, restaurants, and a cinema, means that Brightwells will bring a hive of activity to Farnham in the evening as well as the daytime.
With Farnham town centre already under pressure from traffic, the Brightwells Yard development aims to improve traffic flows at the busy Royal Deer Junction by part-pedestrianisation of East Street and a new two-way traffic system behind The Woolmead. New footways will seamlessly link Brightwells Yard with the rest of the town centre, from East Street right down to the River Wey.