Welcome to our e-bulletin, bringing you the latest progress updates from the Brightwells Yard development.

Works are now underway on South Street for 12 weeks. These works are taking place on Brightwells Road between Sainsbury’s car park and South Street to provide drainage connections and widen the road for vehicle access once Brightwells Yard is complete.

There will be traffic management in place on South Street for the duration of these works. Towards the end of the programme, there will be two nights when the Brightwells Road/South Street junction is closed. We will confirm these dates closer to the time.

The latest news from site

The former Marlborough Head pub is progressing well, with the scaffolding now up to roof level and work underway on the roof timbers.

The shared ownership apartments are complete to roof level, with seeding for the grass roofs in progress. Roof works are continuing, and Crest Nicholson is progressively removing the scaffold and installing windows. Internal works have now also started for this block.

The steel frame for the car park is now also complete, along with the floor slab for the cinema. Plumbing and electrical work is now underway and expected to complete by the end of March.

Brightwell House has undergone extensive surveys to understand the work required, and work is now underway on the brick chimneys, with truss adaptations to start this week.

Crest Nicholson has launched the sales of the new 1, 2 and 3-bed apartments, through local agent Charters. Click here for more information about these exciting new homes. There are now only two homes remaining in this first release!

We held a very successful Hard Hat event for our prospective buyers at the end of February, welcoming them onto site and showing them what our new town square, retail offer and cinema will look like, amongst other things. The viewers were also able to step inside our first apartment block and get a feel for the brand-new apartments.

The remainder of the development continues to progress at pace, with all sheet piling on the site now finished and frames in place for the apartment blocks (with commercial units beneath). Three of the four blocks are now up to roof level.

Talk to us

If you have a question about the plans for Brightwells Yard or want to find out more about the development, you can speak with your Community team.

We are on hand to answer queries about the development and provide updates on upcoming works.

For more information or for general enquiries please contact the Communities team by emailing community@brightwellsfarnham.co.uk or call us on 07578 622 578.

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